and Sworn before said Court, and shall have power to adjourn the hearing, and also issue process from time to time, in their discretion, in order to procure the attendance of Witnesses, so that a fair and impartial trial, and decision may be obtained, in every such Case. And
Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, that if upon investigation, it shall be proven before the Municipal Court, that the Writ or Process has been issued, either through private pique, malicious intent, religious or other persecution, falsehood, or misrepresentation, contrary to the constitution of this , or the constitution of the , the <said> Writ or process shall be quashed, & considered of no force or effect, & the Prisoner or Prisoners shall be <released and> discharged therefrom.
Sec. 3.— And be it also further ordained, that if upon investigation it shall be proven before the Municipal Court that the Writ or Process has been issued either through private pi in the absence, sickness, debility, or other <circumstances>, disqualifying, Circumstances <or>, preventing the Mayor, [p. [2]]