Revelation, 25 January 1832–A [D&C 75:1–22], as Recorded in Hyde and Smith, Notebook
Source Note
Revelation, [, Lorain Co., OH, 25 Jan. 1832]. Version copied [between ca. 25 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1832] in Hyde and Smith, Notebook, pp. [28]–[30]; handwriting of and ; Revelations Collection, CHL.
yea let all those take their journy as I have them going from house to house & from village to village & from city to city & in whatsoever house ye enter & they receive you leave your blessing upon that house & in whatsoever house ye enter & they receive you not ye shall depart speedily from that house & shake off the dust of your first as a testimony against them & you shall be filled with Joy and gladness & know this that in the day of judgmt you shall be judges of that house and condemn them & it shall be more tolerable for the heathen in the day of judgement than for that house therefore gird up your loins and be faithful & ye shall overcome all things & be lifted up at the last day even so. Amen [p. [30]]