Revelation, 25 January 1832–A [D&C 75:1–22], as Recorded in Hyde and Smith, Notebook
Source Note
Revelation, [, Lorain Co., OH, 25 Jan. 1832]. Version copied [between ca. 25 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1832] in Hyde and Smith, Notebook, pp. [28]–[30]; handwriting of and ; Revelations Collection, CHL.
& let my servant go with him & proclaim the things which I have them calling on the name of the Lord for the comforter which shall teach them all things that is expedient for them praying always that they faint not & in as much as they do this I will be with them even unto the end Behold this is the will of the Lord your God concerning you even so Amen And again thus saith the Lord let my servant & my servant take their journey unto the eastern countries and proclaim the things which I have commanded them & inasmuch as they are faithful lo I will be with them even unto the end. And again verily I say unto my servant & unto my servant they shall also take their journey unto the eastern countries & behold & lo I am with them also even unto the End. And Again I say unto my servant & unto my servant Calves [Wilson] that they also shall take their journey unto the western countries and proclaim my Gospel even as I have commanded them and he who is faithful shall overcome all things & shall be lifted up at the last day. And again my servant & my servant take their Journey also unto the west <South> countries [p. [29]]