Revelation, 9 May 1831, as Recorded in Gilbert, Notebook [D&C 50]
Source Note
Revelation, [, Geauga Co., OH], [9] May 1831. Version copied [ca. June 1831] in Gilbert, Notebook, [24]–[31]; handwriting of ; Revelations Collection, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Revelation, 27 Feb. 1833 [D&C 89].
and the light, the Spirit & the power, sent forth by the will of the Father through Jesus Christ his son, but no man is possessor of all things except he be purified & Cleansed from all sin, & if ye are purified & cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus & it shall be done, but know this it shall be given you what ye shall ask and as ye are appointed to the head the Spirit shall be subject unto you, wherefore it shall come to pass that if ye behold a spirit manifested that ye cannot understand, and you receive not that Spirit, ye shall ask of the Father in the name of Jesus, & if he give not unto you that Spirit then you may know that it is not of God, and it shall be given unto you power over that spirit, & you shall [p. [28]]