Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April-circa 8 May 1843, Willard Richards Draft
Source Note
Revised Minutes, and JS, Discourses, , Hancock Co., IL, [23 Apr.–ca. 8 May 1843]. Version drafted [3–ca. 8 May 1843]; handwriting of with printed passages from previous drafts pasted in; ten pages with one inserted slip; Historian’s Office, General Church Minutes, CHL. Includes dockets.
3 o’clock, , Commenced by saying, that he had some communications to make to the <on stealing> & he would do it before <while waiting for> Joseph arrived.— And referred to the article in the last number of the “wasp.” He states that there was a gang of thieves down on the who are plundering on the credit of the . Said He. I have had an interview with a man who formerly belonged to the church, & he revealed to me that there is a band of men, and some who are <pretend to be> strong in the faith of the Doctrine of the Latter Day Saints, <but they are hypocrets> & some who do not belong to the church. who are bound together by secret oaths, & obligations & penalties, to keep the secret. & they hold that it is right to steal from any one who does not belong to the church provided they consecrate 2/3 part of it to the building of the , They are also making Bogus Money.
This man has become convinced of the error of his ways and has come away from them to escape their fury. forif the members do not remain steadfast they rip open their bowels, and give them to the cat fish. and that was their oath, as I am informed.— and they have 3 or 4 there already.
I wish to wa◊◊ <warn> you all not to be duped by such men, for they are the Gadiantons of the last days
He then read from the wasp as repuplishd from the Times and Seasons. his own affidavit. & the doings proceedings of the authorities of the church generally, Dated Nov 26, 1841. as publishd in the The man who told me said this secret band refers to the Bible, Book of Doc & Cov— & Book of Mormon to substan[ti]ate their doctrine, but no such doctrines are taught there.
They say that it has been taught from this , they are the little foxes that spoil the vines, & the are the big foxes: & the big foxes wanted the little foxes to get out of the & spread abrod, so that the Big foxes might. have a chance, [p. 8]