<x> Jan. 22nd to attending City Council | $22.00 <02.00> |
<x> Feb. 12th D[itt]o—— " | 02,00 |
<x> —— 17th Do—— | 02,00 |
<x> March 5th Do—— | 02,00 |
March 9th to notifying six men to fill up a wells | 01,00 <x> |
Aprile 9th to attending City Council | 02,00 <x> |
Aprile 23d Do | 01,00 <x> |
May 23d to summoning the city council | 01,50 <x> |
Sept. 7th to sumoning the city council | 02.50 <x> |
$16,00 | |
High Const. | 3.50 <4.00> |
$12.50 <$12.00> |
[0.]50 |
1,00 |
[0.]50 |
1[.]00 |
1,00 |
3 50 $4,00 |
This and the following correction in handwriting of James Sloan.
Notations in handwriting of James Sloan.
Endorsement in handwriting of James Sloan.