, Summons, to , for , , , , , , , and , , Hancock Co., IL, 12 Jan. 1844; handwriting of ; notation in handwriting of with signature of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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Headquarters Second Cohort
City of Jan. the 12th 1844
To sergent Major of the second Cohort of the Nauvoo Legion you are hereby commanded to summons a Detailed cort martial composed of Col[onel] <X> as President
Lieut[enant] Col. <X>
D[itt]o' <X>
" <X> <Cohort>
Major <X>
" and <X>
" <X> as members and Colonel as jaudee [judge] advocate (my to assemble at the house of Capt , on Tuesday the sixteen sixteenth of January 1844 at 10. ten oclock A M. for the trial of Col <X> Col of the 1st Reg[imen]t Second Cohort of the Nauvoo Legion on Charges prefered against of him in writing by Capt Capt of the Second Company 2 Battallion 1st Regt 2 Cohort and make returns hereof to the President of said Court at the time above spesified also to notafy as Defendant also to furnish the with a copy of the charges preferd against him also as plantiff