, Summons, to , for , , , , , , Jesse K. Nichols, Norton Jacobs, , , , Thomas Filcher, , and , , Hancock Co., IL, 8 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; notation in handwriting of with signature of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL. Includes docket.
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Headquarters Second Cohort
City of Dec. the 8th. 1843
To Sergen [sergeant] Major of the second Cohort of the Nauvoo Legion you are hereby <forthwith> commanded to Summons a Detailed Court Martial Composed of Col[onel] <X> as President
Lieut[enant] Col <X>
<X> " " <X>
Major <X>
<X> " " <X>
Capt <X>
" Jesse— [K.] Nichols <X>
<X> "
" <X>
" <X>
" <X>
<X> " Thomas Filcher <X>
" <X> as members and Colonel as jud[g]e advocate (my aidecamp being absent) to assemble at my house [blank] on Friday the 15th of December 1843 at 12 oclock AM. for the trial of Capt of the second Company Second Battallion 1st Reget [Regiment] Second Cohort N L on Charges preferd against him in writing by Col of the 1st Reget 2 Co[hort] also to Summons <Jesse> Nichols and as witnesses on the and make returns hereof to the president of said Court at the time above spesified also to Notafy Colonel as plantiff and Capt. as Defendant also to furnish the with a Copy of the Charges prfered against him
Brigr Gen [Brigadier General] 2 Cohort N L [p. [1]]