Summons, Willard Richards to Nauvoo City Marshal for JS and Others, 14 October 1843
Source Note
, Summons, to Nauvoo City Marshal [], for JS, , , , , , , and , , Hancock Co., IL, 14 Oct. 1843; handwriting of ; notation in handwriting of ; two pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, 1841–1845, CHL.
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State of Illinois)
City of )
In the name of the members of the city council present, to the of said city greeting:—
You are hereby commanded forthwith to have the Bodies of absent members of said council forthwith in the council, chamber, sufficient to form a quorum of said Council.— hereof fail not & have you there this warr[a]nt & your doing thereon.
In witness whereof of <I> have hereto set my hand and seal at aforesaid this 14 day of october 1843— 10— A. M.