Alvin Smith – Biography
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Smith, Alvin


11 Feb. 1798–19 Nov. 1823. Farmer, carpenter. Born at Tunbridge, Orange Co., Vermont. Son of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack. Moved to Randolph, Orange Co., 1802; returned to Tunbridge, before May 1803. Moved to Royalton, Windsor Co., Vermont, 1804, and to Sharon, Windsor Co., by Aug. 1804; returned to Tunbridge, by Mar. 1808. Returned to Royalton, by Mar. 1810. Moved to Lebanon, Grafton Co., New Hampshire, 1811; to Norwich, Windsor Co., 1813; and to Palmyra, Ontario Co., New York, 1816–Jan. 1817. Played prominent role in family economy, working to pay for 99.5-acre farm at Farmington (later Manchester), Ontario Co., jointly articled for with his father, 1820. Supervised construction of Smiths’ frame home in Manchester. Supporter of JS’s claims of heavenly manifestations. Experienced severe stomach cramps, perhaps caused by appendicitis, 15 Nov. 1823; situation was apparently complicated by overdose of calomel. Died at Palmyra.

