Jenson, Autobiography, 192, 389; Jenson, Journal, 9 Feb. 1891 and 19 Oct. 1897; Bitton and Arrington, Mormons and Their Historians, 47–52; see also the full bibliographic entry for Levi Richards, Papers, 1837–1867, in the CHL catalog.
Jenson, Andrew. Autobiography of Andrew Jenson: Assistant Historian of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . . . Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1938.
Jenson, Andrew. Journals, 1864–1941. Andrew Jenson, Autobiography and Journals, 1864–1941. CHL.
Bitton, David, and Leonard J. Arrington. Mormons and Their Historians. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1988.
See the full bibliographic entry for Levi Richards, Papers, 1837–1867, in the CHL catalog.
Reverend Blodget may have been James Blodgett, who later led a congregation in Deerfield, Massachusetts. Blodgett graduated from Harvard Divinity School in 1843. According to a contemporary Unitarian publication, Blodgett suffered from poor health, and “for the sake of its improvement he entered on a missionary tour at the West.” It is possible that he preached in Nauvoo as part of this tour. (Quinquennial Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates of Harvard University, 1636–1915, 198; “Obituary,” 431.)
Quinquennial Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the Law School of Harvard University, 1817–1889. Cambridge: Harvard Law School, 1890.
“Obituary.” Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany 4 (Nov. 1845): 431–432.
See, for example, Rothstein, American Physicians in the Nineteenth Century, 45–52, 131–137, 141–142, 146–150; Coventry, Address to the Graduates, 3–16; Harrison, Lecture, on the Best Mode of Discouraging Empiricism, 1–12; and Thomson, New Guide to Health, 5–132 (second numbering).
Rothstein, William G. American Physicians in the Nineteenth Century: From Sects to Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972.
Coventry, C. B. Address to the Graduates of the Medical Institution of Geneva College, Delivered January 25th, 1842. Utica, NY: Democrat Office, 1842.
Harrison, John P. A Lecture, on the Best Mode of Discouraging Empiricism: Delivered before the Ohio Medical Lyceum, January, 1843. Cincinnati: R. P. Donogh, 1843.
Thomson, Samuel. New Guide to Health; or, Botanic Family Physician. Containing a Complete System of Practice . . . to Which Is Prefixed a Narrative of the Life and Medical Discoveries of the Author. Boston: By the author, 1822.
“Sherman’s Medicated Lozenges,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 6 Sept. 1843, [4]; “Physician Heal Thyself,” Times and Seasons, 15 Sept. 1843, 4:325–326; King, Quackery Unmasked, 248–256.
Nauvoo Neighbor. Nauvoo, IL. 1843–1845.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
King, Dan. Quackery Unmasked; or A Consideration of the Most Prominent Empirical Schemes of the Present Time, with an Enumeration of Some of the Causes Which Contribute to Their Support. Boston: David Clapp, 1858.
Wirthlin, “Nathan Smith,” 320–321; Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845, 58–62; JS History, vol. A-1, addenda, 131nA.
Wirthlin, LeRoy S. “Nathan Smith (1762–1828) Surgical Consultant to Joseph Smith.” BYU Studies 17 (Spring 1977): 319–337.
Anderson, “Willard Richards’s Journey to Mormonism,” 81–98; Barrett, “Delegate John M. Bernhisel,” 354–358; Dinger, “Medicine and Obstetrics in Mormon Nauvoo,” 51–68. Levi Richards, who recorded the featured discourse, practiced the Thomsonian method and likely shared JS’s criticism of heroic methods.
Anderson, Devery S. “From Doctor to Disciple: Willard Richards’s Journey to Mormonism.” Journal of Mormon History 38, no. 2 (Spring 2012): 66–98.
Barrett, Glen. “Delegate John M. Bernhisel, Salt Lake Physician Following the Civil War.” Utah Historical Quarterly 50, no. 4 (Fall 1982): 354–360.
Dinger, Steven C. “‘The Doctors in This Region Don’t Know Much’: Medicine and Obstetrics in Mormon Nauvoo.” Journal of Mormon History 42, no. 4 (October 2016): 51–68.
Discourse, 13 Apr. 1843, underlining in original.
Levi Richards, Journal, 17 Sept. 1843; JS, Journal, 17 Sept. 1843.
Richards, Levi. Journals, 1840–1853. Levi Richards, Papers, 1837–1867. CHL. MS 1284, box 1.
See John 18:38.