Darwin J. Chase – Biography
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Chase, Darwin J.


25 Feb. 1816–4 Feb. 1863. Miner, town officer, military officer. Born in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., New York. Son of Stephen Chase and Orryanna Rowe. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1831. Moved to Jackson Co., Missouri. Moved to Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri. Imprisoned at Richmond, Ray Co., Missouri, 1838–1839, for involvement in Missouri conflicts. Ordained a seventy, 26 Apr. 1839, in Far West. Member of Nauvoo Legion, 1841, in Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois. Served mission to Arkansas, Apr. 1844. Migrated to Salt Lake Valley, before Oct. 1849. Member of company of California gold missionaries that arrived near Chino, Los Angeles Co., 11 Dec. 1849. Resided in Mud Springs (later El Dorado), El Dorado Co., California, 1850. Excommunicated, 26 Jan. 1851. Served as lieutenant in California Volunteers, by Oct. 1862. Stationed at Camp Douglas (later Fort Douglas), Salt Lake Co., Utah Territory. Mortally wounded in Battle of Bear River in Utah Territory (later in Franklin Co., Idaho). Died at Farmington, Davis Co., Utah Territory.

