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Elliott, John C.


Ca. 1820–3 Oct. 1862. Schoolmaster, deputy sheriff, constable, clerk, marshal. Born in Butler Co., Ohio. Lived four miles south of Warsaw, Hancock Co., Illinois, 1843, where he worked as a schoolmaster. Arrested for and later acquitted of kidnapping Daniel Avery, 1843. Deputy sheriff of Hancock Co., by Feb. 1845. Constable in Warsaw, 1845. Arrested for murders of JS and Hyrum Smith and committed to jail, 11 Feb. 1845, but was never brought to trial. Married Sophronia M. Nickols, 23 Sept. 1849, in Adams Co., Illinois. Moved to Hanover Township, Butler Co., by 1850. Served as marshal of Hamilton, Butler Co., for several years. Served in Civil War. Died in Taylorsville, Spencer Co., Kentucky.

