, Journal excerpt, 11 June 1843; in Levi Richards, Journal, 4 Oct. 1840–7 Aug. 1853, pp. [15]–[16]; handwriting of ; CHL.
Page [15]
11) attended meeting at the <weather very fine moderately warm,> heard J. Smith preach from Math. “<Oh> Jerusalem Jerusalem &c<,> how oft would I have gathered you, as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings & ye would not, behold your house is left unto you desolate.” afternoon— heard Eld. De Wolf Episcapalian Clergyman from the 6th Hebrews “Therefore leaving the first principles &c.”——
at 6 AM. heard Eld. upon the book of Mormon proved from the 24,th 28th & 29th of Isaiah that the everlasting covenat set which was set upon by Christ & the apostles had been broken [p. [15]]