Brigham Young et al., Nauvoo, IL, to Parley P. Pratt, 4 May 1845, copy, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Historian’s Office, General Church Minutes, 4 May 1845.
Historian’s Office. General Church Minutes, 1839–1877. CHL
See Revelation, 19 Jan. 1841, in Doctrine and Covenants [103]:9–21, 1844 ed. [D&C 124:22–72].
See Clayton, Journal, 16 May 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Historian’s Office, Journal, 24 May 1845; Kimball, Journal, 24 May 1845.
Historian’s Office. Journal, 1844–1997. CHL. CR 100 1.
Kimball, Heber C. Journal, Sept. 1842; May 1844–May 1845. Heber C. Kimball, Papers, 1837–1866. CHL. MS 627, box. 3, fd. 4.
Clayton, Journal, 24 May 1845; Bullock, Journal, 24 May 1845; see also Historian’s Office, Journal, 24 May 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Bullock, Thomas. Journal, Feb. 1844–Aug. 1845. In Historian’s Office, Journal, 1844–1997. CHL. CR 100 1, box 1, vol. 1.
Historian’s Office. Journal, 1844–1997. CHL. CR 100 1.
Clayton, Journal, 18 Aug. 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to Addison Pratt, 28 Aug. 1845, copy, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
William Smith, Bordentown, NJ, to Brigham Young, Nauvoo, IL, 27 Aug. 1844, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Clayton, Journal, 23 May 1845; Monroe, Journal, 27 and 29–31 May 1845; Richards, Journal, 25 June 1845; George A. Smith, Autobiography, 28 June 1845, 84.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Monroe, James M. Journal, 1841–1842, 1845. CHL.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Smith, George Albert, Autobiography / “History of George Albert Smith by Himself,” ca. 1857–1875. Draft. George Albert Smith, Papers, 1834–1877. CHL.
Brigham Young, Nauvoo, IL, to Wilford Woodruff, 27 June 1845, copy, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL. For the disagreements between Young and Smith, see Clayton, Journal, 30 June 1845; and Brigham Young, Nauvoo, IL, to William Smith, 10 Aug. 1845, copy, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Clayton, Journal, 17 Aug. 1845; Richards, Journal, 17 Aug. 1845; Young, Journal, 17 Aug. 1845; Historian’s Office, Reports of Speeches, 17 Aug. 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Young, Brigham. Journals, 1832–1877. Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1, boxes 71–73.
Historian’s Office. Reports of Speeches, 1845–1885. CHL.
Clayton, Journal, 27 Aug. 1845; see also Richards, Journal, 27 Aug. 1845; and Willard Richards, Nauvoo, IL, to William Smith, 27 Aug. 1845, copy, Willard Richards, Papers, CHL.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Richards, Willard. Journals and Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490.
“Minutes of the First General Conference,” Times and Seasons, 1 Nov. 1845, 6:1008; “Notice,” Times and Seasons, 1 Nov. 1845, 6:1019; Clayton, Journal, 19 Oct. 1845.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Council of Fifty, “Record,” 6 May 1845.
Thomas Ford, Springfield, IL, to Miner R. Deming, Carthage, IL, 13 May 1845, copy, in Thomas Ford, Springfield, IL, to Almon Babbitt, 17 May 1845, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
George A. Smith and John Smith, Nauvoo, IL, to Josiah Lamborn, Carthage, IL, 21 May 1845, copy, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Brigham Young to Parley P. Pratt, 26 May 1845, Copybook, p. 14, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Verdict of the Jury, 30 May 1845, State of Illinois v. Williams et al. [Hancock Co. Cir. Ct. 1845], Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court, Civil and Criminal Files, microfilm 1,521,604, U.S. and Canada Record Collection, FHL; for a summary of this trial, see Oaks and Hill, Carthage Conspiracy, chaps. 7–10.
U.S. and Canada Record Collection. FHL.
Oaks, Dallin H., and Marvin S. Hill. Carthage Conspiracy: The Trial of the Accused Assassins of Joseph Smith. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1975.
Richards, Journal, 10 May 1845; Council of Fifty, “Record,” 11 Mar. 1845, underlining in original.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Dunham, Journal, 5–8 June 1840.
Dunham, Jonathan. Journals, 1837–1846. Jonathan Dunham, Papers, 1825–1846. CHL. MS 1387, fds. 1–4.
Phineas Young, Journal, 8–19 May 1845.
Young, Phineas Howe. Journal, Apr.–May 1845. CHL. MS 2788.
Thomas Hendrick to Benjamin Fields, 18 May 1845, Lewis Dana, Correspondence, CHL.
Dana, Lewis. Correspondence, 1845. CHL.
Jonathan Dunham, Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, to Brigham Young, Nauvoo, IL, 31 May 1845, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Clayton, Journal, 18 June 1845; see also Brigham Young, Nauvoo, IL, to Wilford Woodruff, 27 June 1845, copy, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Minutes, 25 Dec. 1846, Council of Fifty, Papers, 1844–1885, CHL.
Council of Fifty. Papers, 1844–1885. CHL.
Clayton, Journal, 17 July 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
See Council of Fifty, “Record,” 27 Feb. 1845.
Clayton, Journal, 4 and 11–15 Aug. 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Richards, Journal, 2 Aug. 1845.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Historian’s Office, General Church Minutes, 4 Aug. 1845.
Historian’s Office. General Church Minutes, 1839–1877. CHL
George A. Smith, Journal, 2–3 Sept. 1844; Council of Fifty, “Record,” 4 Feb. 1845; Historian’s Office, General Church Minutes, 4 Aug. 1845. Clayton conveyed his skepticism over Emmett’s loyalty in his journal: “Emmett was baptised this evening but whether he will prove faithful is yet to be told.” (Clayton, Journal, 4 Aug. 1845.)
Smith, George Albert. Journals, 1839–1875. George Albert Smith, Papers. 1834–1877. CHL.
Historian’s Office. General Church Minutes, 1839–1877. CHL
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Clayton, Journal, 22 July 1845; Young, Journal, 3 Aug. 1845; see also Richards, Journal, 3 Aug. 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Young, Brigham. Journals, 1832–1877. Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1, boxes 71–73.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Young, Journal, 4 Aug. 1845.
Young, Brigham. Journals, 1832–1877. Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1, boxes 71–73.
See Council of Fifty, “Record,” 22 Apr. 1845.
Richards, Journal, 14 Aug. 1845.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Richards, Journal, 27 Aug. 1845.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Clayton, Journal, 28 and 31 Aug. 1845; Richards, Journal, 28 and 31 Aug. 1845.
Clayton, William. Journals, 1842–1845. CHL.
Richards, Willard. Journals, 1836–1853. Willard Richards, Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490, boxes 1–2.
Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to Addison Pratt, 28 Aug. 1845, copy, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.
Brigham Young Office Files, 1832–1878. CHL. CR 1234 1.
Pike, Exploratory Travels, 333.
Pike, Zebulon M. Exploratory Travels through the Western Territories of North America: Comprising a Voyage from St. Louis, on the Mississippi, to the Source of That River, and a Journey through the Interior of Louisiana, and the North-Eastern Provinces of New Spain. Performed in the Years 1805, 1806, 1807, by Order of the Government of the United States. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1811.
Warner, Domínguez-Escalante Journal, 70–73; Francaviglia, Mapping and Imagination in the Great Basin, 31–32, 37–38.
Warner, Ted J., ed. The Domínguez-Escalante Journal: Their Expedition through Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico in 1776. Translated by Fray Angelico Chavez. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1976.
Francaviglia, Richard V. Mapping and Imagination in the Great Basin: A Cartographic History. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2005.
Council of Fifty, “Record,” 9 Sept. 1845; “Captain Fremont’s Report,” Daily National Intelligencer [Washington DC], 7 Aug. 1845, [2]; John C. Frémont, Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the Years 1843–’44 (Washington DC: Gales and Seaton, 1845).
Daily National Intelligencer. Washington DC. 1800–1869.
Frémont, John C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the Years 1843–’44. Washington DC: Gales and Seaton, 1845.
“Capt. Fremont on the Highest Peak of the Rocky Mountains,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 10 Sept. 1845, [1]; “Capt. Fremont’s Expedition,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 17 Sept. 1845, [1]; “Western Mountains and Rivers on the Route to Oregon,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 17 Sept. 1845, [1]; “Captain Fremont’s Second Exploring Expedition,” Nauvoo Neighbor, 21 Sept. 1845, [1].
Nauvoo Neighbor. Nauvoo, IL. 1843–1845.
Parley P. Pratt, Nauvoo, IL, to Isaac Rogers, Keyport, NJ, 6 Sept. 1845, CHL.
Pratt, Parley P. Letter, Nauvoo, IL, to Isaac Rogers, Keyport, NJ, 6 Sept. 1845. CHL.