Certificate, 11 May 1846, as Recorded in Old Certificates of Purchase, Levy, and Redemption [Phelps, Assignee of JS v. Wilson Law]
Source Note
H. G. Ferris on behalf of , Certificate, , IL, 11 May 1846, Phelps, Assignee of JS v. Wilson Law (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1843). Copied ca. 5 May 1847; Hancock County Sheriff, Old Certificates of Purchase, Levy, and Redemption, pp. 267–268; handwriting of Melancton S. Carey; Hancock County Courthouse, Carthage, IL; microfilm at FHL. Includes seal.
Certificate, 11 May 1846, as Recorded in Old Certificates of Purchase, Levy, and Redemption [ Phelps, Assignee of JS v. Wilson Law ]
Page 267
. By To .
NW. 4. 6. 8. NE 4. 6. 8.
Filed 22nd May 1846—
State of Illinois)
ss. [scilicet]
Whereas by virtue of a Fee Bill (No 2240) Execution to me directed, from the Circuit Court of bearing date the sixteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and forty six; in favor of , ass[ign]ee &c. and against , I did on the Eleventh day of May one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, in pursuance of public notice given, and the statute in such cases given made and provided, expose to public sale, at the door of the Court House in in said , the following described property: The North west quarter of section four (4) 6 N R 8 west of the 4h prcl Merdn. [principal meridian] sold for the sum of five dollars, also the North east quarter of section four (4) T 6 north R 8 west of the 4th prcl. Merdn. sold for the sum of $(2.07) Two Dollars & seven cents.
2 07
5 00
7 07
with the appurtenances and improvements thereto belonging, signed and taken in execution as the property of , and whereas, at the time and place aforesaid. became the purchaser of said property: for the sum of Seven dollars and seven cents, that being the highest and best bid for the same. Now, Therefore, I, [p. 267]