Certificate, 11 May 1846 [Phelps, Assignee of JS v. Wilson Law]
Source Note
H. G. Ferris on behalf of , Certificate, , IL, 11 May 1846, Phelps, Assignee of JS v. Wilson Law (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1843); printed form with manuscript additions in handwriting of unidentified scribe; signature block in handwriting of H. G. Ferris; docket by H. G. Ferris, [, IL, 11 May 1846]; notation by , [, Hancock Co., IL], 22 May 1846; notation by unidentified scribe, [ca. 22 May 1846]; notation by Melgar Couchman, 5 May 1847; notation by Melancton S. Carey, [ca. 5 May 1847]; two pages; Hancock County Courthouse, Carthage, IL. Includes seal.
WHEREAS, by virtue of a Fee Bill (No 2240) Execution to me directed, from the Circuit Court of , bearing date the Eleventh <Sixteenth> day of May <Febuary> one thousand eight hundred and forty-Six in favor of Ass[ign]ee &c and against I did on the Eleventh day of May one thousand eight hundred and forty-Six in pursuance of public notice given, and the statute in such cases made and provided, expose to public sale, at the door of the Court house in , in said , the following described property: The North West quarter of Section four (4) 6 N. R 8 West of the 4th. Prcl Merdn [principal meridian] Sold for the sum of five Dollars also the North East quarter of Section four (4) T 6 North R 8 West of the 4th prcl Merdn Sold for the sum of ($2.07) Two Dollars 7/100 & Seven Cents
with the appurtenances and improvements thereto belonging, seized and taken in as the property of
And whereas, at the time and place aforesaid, became the purchaser of said property; for the sum of Seven— dollars and Seven cents, that being the highest and best bid for the same.
Now, therefore, I, , Sheriff of said , do hereby certify, that the said will be entitled to a Deed for the property so sold to Him at the expiration of fifteen months from the Eleventh day of May one thousand eight hundred and forty-Six the day of sale, unless the same be sooner redeemed, according to law.
Given under my hand and seal, this 11th. day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-Six
L. S.
By H. G. Ferris Dept Sheriff of , Illinois. [p. [1]]