Certificate of Purchase, 16 August 1845, Copy [Ivins v. E. Smith et al.]
Source Note
, Certificate of Purchase, , IL, 16 Aug. 1845, Ivins v. E. Smith et al. (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court, in Chancery 1845). Copied [ca. 1 Apr. 1847] in Hancock County Sheriff, Old Certificates of Purchase, Levy, and Redemption, p. 199; unidentified handwriting; Hancock County Courthouse, Carthage, IL; microfilm 955,142 at FHL.
Certificate of Purchase, 16 August 1845, Copy [ Ivins v. E. Smith et al. ]
Page 199
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Filed 20th Oct —1845—
State of Illinois )
Whereas by virtue of a decree of said <the> Circuit Court of said County in sitting, rendered at the may term thereof 1845 in favor of & against & others. I did on the 16th day of August 1845, after having advertised in compliance with said Decree, expose to public in accordance with said decree, the following real estate to wit: beginning at a Post on the east & west center line of section five /5/ in Township six /6/ North of range eight /8/ west of the 4th principal meridian, from which a Black oak 20. S. 83¾° W 19 & a Hicory 15, inches diameter bears North 56½° E 30 links, thence S 89° 35 minutes, E. along said line 24, 63 chains to a post at the NE. Corner of said quarter section, from which a Burr oak 14 inches diameter bears N 1/4° E 151 links distant thence S 0° 40 minutes E 40, 54 chains to a post in a mound at 1/4 section corner between sections 5 & 8, thence north 89½° West along section line 24, 63 chains to a stone; thence North 0° 40 minutes West to said place of beginning. Containing 100 acres more or less, on the East side of said quarter section, in said County of & state of : & Whereas at the time & place of sale the plaintiff , bid for the same the sum of five hundred & twenty two dollars & eighty five cents— & that being the highest bid therefore, the same was struck off & to him, at the said sum of five hundred and twenty two dollars & eighty five cents. Now Therefore I, master in Chancery for said , do certify that the said , will be intitled to a deed for said premises after the expiration of fifteen months from said 16th day of August 1845. unless the same be sooner redeemed according to law.
August 16th 1845.
, Master in Chancery, for Ill.
I hereby certify, that I executed a Deed to , by virtue of the within certificate on the first day of april A.D. 1847