BY virtue of a decree of said court rendered at the May Term, 1845, I will on the 16th day of August, 1845, between 9 o’clock, A. M. and the setting of the sun of the same day, at the west door of the Court House in , in said , sell at public the following real estate to wit: Beginning at a post on the East and West centre line of section five, -[5]- in Township six -[6]- north of range eight -[8]- west of the 4th principal meridian, from which a black oak 20 S. 83¾° w 19 and a hickory 15 inches diameter, bears N. 56½° E. 30 links; thence S. 89° 35 minutes E. along said line 24-63 chains to a post at the N E corner of said quarter section from which a burr oak 14 inches diameter bears N 1/4° E 151 links distant; thence S 0° 40 minutes E 40-54 chains to a post in a mound at 1/4 section corner between sections 5 and 8; thence N 89½° West along section line 24-63 chains to a stone; thence North 0,° 40 minutes West to said place of beginning; containing one hundred acres, more or less on the East side of said quarter section. Terms of Sale cash— property subject to redemption.