[Nauvoo Legion Committee of Revision], Meeting Minutes, [, Hancock Co., IL], 16–28 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; two pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Page [1]
Present Major General — President
Brigadier General
and Secretary
Amended Sections
Decr. 16. 1843.
Section 2 That the Staff of the Lieutenant General, shall consist of an Inspector General, a Chief Chaplain, four aids de camp, and Secretaries not exceeding two, each to have the rank of Colonels of Cavalry; and a guard of twelve aids de camp with the rank of Captain <Repeal>— The Inspector General likewise to be the Chief Officer of the Guard. <Repeal so much of the second section as relates to the office of Inspector General>
3 [blank]
Sec 6. add “One Ensign” after three Lieutenants
7. [blank]
19 Strike out so much of the Oath as regards duelling (5. 6. 7 lines)
23— the word Drill Officer 5 line
27 so much of this Section as shall relate to Cashiering (last line)
left off after finishing 27th. Section & adjourned to Thursday next 21st. Decr.
Decr. 21. 1843
At a meeting held at Maj. Genl. at 10. a. m.
Present Maj: Genl. [Major General]
Brig[adier] Genl.
— Secretary
Adjourned to 1. o clock this afternoon
Decr. 21. 1843
At an adjourned meeting held at same place at one o’clock in afternoon
Present Maj: Genl. . President
Brig. Genl.
Lieut Coll.
sec 27 to 51 not here— began to read Sec. 52.
<(sec 52)> that if any noncommissioned officer Musician or Private who shall disobey orders or be guilty of any kind of insubordination shall be returned in the list of delinquencies and shall be fined by the not exceeding five dollars at
(qy. two Sections 53.)
Resolved that Coll. <of the 1st. Reg[imen]t. 1st. Cohort> be and he is hereby appointed to the Office of Brevet Brigadier General in the 1st. Cohort of
Repeal the second 53 Section respecting Inspector General’s duty [p. [1]]