Court-Martial against Robert D. Foster, 10 May 1844
Source Note
, , , , , , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 10 May 1844; handwriting of ; signatures of , , , , , , , , and ; approved by , 10 May 1844; docket in unidentified handwriting; six pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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2 Specification. On the same sunday that they had the meeting deferred to. I heard him say That Joseph Smith had tried to hire him to shoot soon after he moved to the . That he told Gen Smith that he had not money & that Gen S told him to go to & get it. < Did he> He told of it but did not say that he went to get it Did he say that he told he wanted money. or that Gen. S had hired him to shoot . I do not know— He said he could prove it. & I supposed he meant that he had told & would prove it by him
Do you know how long has been here I should think about three years but dont know. Cou
Court. Did you understand that he said he could prove it. He said he could prove it right out
<> Was it under any particular excitement, or was any person offering him an insult. No it was voluntary on his part. He said he could shew worse things yet
. On the sam day at the same meeting he made the same remarks that the firt witness has testified of. but said nothing as to time. All that I heard him say was that Gen S. had tried to get him to kill these are the words, as near as I can tell [p. [3]]