Court-Martial against William Niswanger, 10 June 1843
Source Note
, , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 10 June 1843; handwriting of ; one page; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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June 10th 1843. Court Martial
detailed according to previous Notice and for the purpose of Trying the case of Major on Three Several charges preferred against him by Adjutant for ungentlemanly, and unofficer-like Conduct.
1st. For ordering company Elections without notifying me to attend.
2nd. For appointing another man to attend tomy office when I was Ready to attend to Company Elections and other duties attending my office, when I was ready to serve upon the shortest notice.
3rd.when for stating that I would not serve when called upon
The Court was composed of Col[onel] president <Lieut[enant]> Col , <Lieut> Col , Lieut, Col, & Col <Major> all being duly sworn commenced the investigation. Defendant plead not guilty.
& being sworn as witnesses deposed.
1.stdeposed. <Appointed adjutant by &> considered his appointment as adjutant protem legal, not claiming the same. did write advertisements, and hold company Election, s office of Lieutenancy filled. did not attend Election
2nd charge. did not come forward to claim his office at Battallion parade. was generally about home but was not Notified only by advertisement, by adjutant protem. who assigned his name as adjutant.
3rd charge (& ): Says. He thinks declard he would not call for s services, or his exprssions left that impression on his mind. &C: &C [illegible] and also that would not serve when called on but do not recollect certainly that said he had positively called on & he had refused to act: