, , , , , , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 9 May 1844; handwriting of ; docket and notation in handwriting of ; four pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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At a Court Martial held at the of Lieut[enan]t. General Smith on Thursday the 9th. day of May 1844 at 9 A. M.
Secretary, Secy. to the Adjt. Genl. [Adjutant General]
will devolve <on me to state the case> &c the charge against Maj Genl. is for unbecoming conduct as an Officer and a Gentleman, & as is pres[en]t they are prep[are]d. to give testimony— he read the aff[idavi]t of made before a Justice of the Peace— also the notice to Maj[or] Genl. —
, , , , — were sworn
I heard say that Mr. Smith was the most foul, corrupt guilty of crimes of the darkest kind of any man at any time on the earth— he appeared to be very calm cool deliberate— he read an affidavit— and then went on to speak of the character of Mr. Smith— it was on Sunday the 28 April— X [cross-examined] he s[ai]d it calmly deliberately & with[ou]t. provocat[io]n. in his own house— no one offer[in]g. any personal violence to him— he did not make any obvons [observations] of Mr. Smith havn. [having] said any thing ag[ain]st. his cha[racte]r.— the obj[ec]t. of the meet[in]g was to organize a new Church— Mr. — sd. it was to organize a Church— I do not know of any cause suff[icien]t. to bring forth such remarks
conf[irme]d. the last — he sd. the same in substance— after read[in]g. the afft. he sd. he was the most base <vile> & corrupt villain of any man on the earth the things that sd. are correct— there was no one opposing — prayed. they were mak[in]g. affts.— a many were read— he seemed to be positive & earnest I sho[ul]d. suppose it was a religious meetg. opposed to mormons— entirely voluntary—
— it was the substance of what I heard say— on the Monday following I was at his house in comp[an]y. with he sd. he knew Mr Smith to be the greatest villain & guilty of the darkest deeds of any man on the earth— he sd. he was a whoremaster— he sd. all his religion was to carry out his [p. [1]]