, , , , , , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 9 May 1844; handwriting of ; docket and notation in handwriting of ; four pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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points— confirmed him but not in quite so harsh a manner
I he did not know but that he was guilty of every thing but murder— there were 3 or 4 in— he tried to seduce nearly every female in — I did not question him— I enquired of how he could change his mind so soon— he having that Sunday morning before having extolled Joseph Smith & the heads of the Church— he said it was on acc[oun]t. of the affts. that he turned him— the conversat[io]n. was all abuse of Joseph Smith & — that was on Monday——he said he had known it more than two years this was — who had known it two years— said that he <(J.S.)> had no more religion than a horse until <only> for purposes to gull the people— and rob them of their money
sworn that a copy of the notice to was given to — he came back in a few minutes and said that he had served the notice on Maj. Genl. — personally
I was at his place a few days bef[ore] they were cut off— they asked me several questions— he did not believe that ever that <there> was a more cursed scoundrel <than J. Smith> ever hung bet[wee]n the heavens & the earth—— he did it voluntary— he took his own course— when <he saw> I did not swallow it down— he sd. I see that you are a whole hearted mormon— I said I wanted to be one at any rate—
— the evidence that I shall give concerns swindling the — I have been acting as Brig[ade] Maj of 2 Coh[or]t. the 1st year I rece[ive]d my pay from accord[in]g, to the law of the — the 2nd. year I did in it correct but the adjt.& Genl. refused to pay— did not do his bus[iness] & I was app[ointe]d. to do his bus. charges were made— & he was acq[uitte]d made no returns— wrote to to recommend in order to have the consolidated— I did it— & got it into Reg[imen]ts— the papers came into my hands— & I gave them up to the next command[in]g. off[icer]— Last fall— I & went to to get our pay— & he got the papers— & was claiming last years pay— was to bear exp[ense]s. to —— did not give his cert[ificate] to — but [George] Coulson was at <> I told to get cert. of . He got s Cert for [18]43— we went to & got Coulsons for 43— the Cert he got was for 5 Bat[talions] & is now dep[osite]d. in the office both Certs were for 43—— we went to he sd. there was some mistakes at we staid there— he made an alt[eratio]n. there— when we got to [p. [2]]