, , , , , , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 9 May 1844; handwriting of ; docket and notation in handwriting of ; four pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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we empl[oye]d. a lawyer— the aud[itor] was interested— the att[orne]y. that we had empd. prop[ose]d. for us to give our bonds to the am[oun]t. our certs. drew for we gave our bonds to the atty. <auditor> to indemnify him— the atty. went our Sec[urit]y.— the atty. in writ[in]g. bonds at that moment threw out his Cert. from Coulson for 3 Regts.— and for — he alt[ere]d. it from 43 to 42— to draw— 60 dollars each year— that Cert was altd.— there has never been more than 2½ battn. Regts.— never more than 5 bat: this was converted by from 43. to 42. & in addition one bat. added. & if I had not interf[ere]d. he wo[ul]d. have 120— bonds were drawn— & stand there in now— when we went into the aud: office & he fill[e]d. out the Certs.. I tapp[e]d. on the Shoulder & told him he had done— that he had counterfeited— the Cert— besides add[in]g. bat[talio]n.— he was agitated— the aud objected to his cert being worded Regts. inst[ea]d of Batn.— his call for 3 Regts. was more than there was he told the aud that there co[ul]d. not be mor less than 2 bat—
he obj[ecte]d. to the cert not being worded right that we wod get a fresh cert worded right— I told him to pay him for this year & to send him a prop[er] cert. & send it [blank] he then drew 60 instd. of 50 which only bel[onge]d. to him I told — I tho[ugh]t. he wod. straitn. [straighten] it— I told him all about what had taken place— & he got in a terrible rage— wod. not go— I had a claim on the 1st. Coh for services— I was all[owe]d. 1/3— soon after I found altd. his not[io]ns. was a best sort of man— & a fine fellow— a com was appd. by some means or some one gave a cert over again I bel[ieve]d. gave him a Cert he sent for 40 instead of 60 which wod take [o]ff the curse of the odd bat— rec[eive]d. the money from after had count[erfeite]d. his cert.— he recd. the money for which had been C Md [court-martialed]— it is my belief that gave the cert— but it will be seen by app[lyin]g. to — I bel[ieve] it was that give him the cert for the sake of get[tin]g. the money— was owing — 30— & made use of it to his own use— they were not justly ent[itle]d. to this money— it was swindling the [p. [3]]