, , , , , , , , and , Court-Martial, against , [, Hancock Co., IL], 9 May 1844; handwriting of ; docket and notation in handwriting of ; four pages; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
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it was in contempla[tio]n. of bring[in]g. this thing forward 3 months since—
I do not think it needful to make any remarks nor rebutt[in]g. test[imony]. add[e]d has shewed <utter> contempt to this court— whereas it is the only & final tribunal for him to be tried— we are the only p[er]sons to try him— he has shewed utter contempt to all the Of[ficers] the — charges clearly proved on oath by sev[era]l. witnesses. & we have a ri[gh]t. to proceed—— when a man has assd. as a military officer he is associated with that body— & if he does any thing wrong he is amenable to that body— he gets a body of men & coolly & deliberately speaks of the L G [Lieutenant General] has a black hearted vil[lain]— where is the safety of our lives under such an Office[r] as that— he can order out forces—— it is perfectly ungentlemanly— unofficerlike & it shows fraud corrupt[io]n. no honor— will[in]g. to pilfer money from the hands of the aud und[er] false pretexts— if he cod. throw out fist he cod. not throw the or. there are no exten[uatin]g. circumst[ance]s.— I have searched in vain for a shadow to exiculpate him in the evidence of any one
It devolves on this C[our]t. to decide— I refer to the 85 article of War & read it.
May 9th. 1844
Evidence taken at a Court Martial held on Maj. Genl.