and ascend a throne as those who have gone before.— I saw the father work out his kingdom with fear & trembling.—— god is gra[ti]fied in <salvati[o]n> Exaltation— of his creati[o]ns &c—
not all to be comprehedd [comprehended] in this world—— the head.— the head one— The head one of the God[s], brought fo[r]th the Gods.—
Dr & Lawyer that have persecuted.—
The head one called the Gods together in grand coun[c]il— to bring fo[r]th the world.— Example of error as Yacob. <Ja[c]ob—> th[e] son of Zebedee— & James James the son of Zebede[e] 2 4. mat. 21. Greek Hebrew. German. & Latin.— In the begin[nin]g the the head of the gods calld a coun[c]il of the Gods— and concoctd a scheme to create this world.— Soon as we begin to understand the character of the Gods, he begin[s] to unfold th[e] heavns to us.—
Doctors say.— created the earth out of nothing.
Barau.— create.— it means to organized.— God had mat[er]ials to organ[i]ze the world.— Elements— nothing. can destroy. no beginni[n]g no end.——
The soul. Doctor of Divin[i]ty. God created in the beginn[in]g— lessens the chara[c]ter of man.— dont [p. [68]]