to the mourne[r]s your f[r]iend has gone to wait— the perfection.— of the reunion.— the resurrecti[o]n of your frie[n]d in felicity while worlds mu[s]t wait myr[i]ads of years befor they can receive the like blessi[n]gs.— leave th[e] subject— bless thoes [those] who have lost frie[n]ds. only gon for a few mome[n]ts.—
Shall mothrs have their Child[re]n? Yes. th[e]y shall have it with[o]ut price. redempt[io]n is paid possessing all the intelgen [intelligence] of a god. the child as it was before it died out of your arm[s] throne up[o]n thrones. Domin[ion] up[o]n domnins [dominions] just as you——
Baptism of water fire & Holy Ghost. are insepa[r]ably— connected.— found in th[e] Germ[a]n Bible to prove what I have taught for 14 years ab[o]ut baptism.— I baptize you with— water. but when Jesus comes having the keys— he shall baptize you with th[e] baptisms of fire & Holy Ghost.——
Leaving th[e] pincipls [principles] of doctrin of baptism &c— one god. one bapti[s]m— & one bapti[s]m— I.E. all three—
called upon all men. Pri[e]sts and all to repe[n]t and ob[e]y the gospel.— if th[e]y do not th[e]y will be damnd.— those who commit the unpdoabl [unpardonable] sin are doomd to Gnolom. without end.—
God dwells in everlasti[n]g burnings.——
Love all men but hate your deeds.—
You dont know me— you never will
I dont blame you for not believi[n]g my histo[r]y had I not expeind [experienced] by it could not believe it myself