Docket Entry, circa 25 January 1838 [W. W. Spencer v. Cahoon et al.]
Source Note
Docket Entry, , OH, ca. 25 Jan. 1838, W. W. Spencer v. Cahoon et al. (Kirtland Township, OH, Justice of the Peace Court 1838); Cowdery, Docket Book, 349; handwriting of ; Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. Transcription from a digital color image made of the original in 2012.
Docket Entry, circa 25 January 1838 [ W. W. Spencer v. Cahoon et al. ]
Page 349
Joseph Smith Junr. &
56.57 56.41
Cont. [Constable] Cost.
Plaint[iff] cost.
Deffend.ts. [Defendants]
Action of debt for money had and received, of which the following is a receipt from the defendants, Received of fifty dollars for which is to be paid when called for. Nov. 9th 1835
Cahoon Carter & Co.
January 25th 1838 on the oath of Plaintiffs attorney issued a to Constable which was returned executed by bringing forward and the others not found. fees .75 Issued a subpoena for which was served by Plff. attorney
Court called parties answered, but Defendants contended that the firm of Cahoon Carter & Co consisted only of & Plaintif called on who was sworn and testified. Defendant called on Plaintiffs attorney who was sworn & testified was also sworn and testified, It was considered <by> me after hearing all the evidence and the remarks of parties it was considered that Joseph Smith Jnr & were not members of the said firm of Cahoon Carter & Co. were consequently discharged from any libility in this suit, but that judgement be rendered against said & for the sum of fifty six dollars <forty one> fifty seven and a half cents and costs taxed at two dollars and seventy six cents