Note that only the editorial content created specifically for this issue of the Elders’ Journal is annotated here. Articles reprinted from other papers, letters, conference minutes, and notices, are reproduced here but not annotated. Items that are stand-alone JS documents, such as the letter from Wilford Woodruff and others, are annotated elsewhere.
Answer. If it is, there is a great defect in the book, or else it would have said so.
Question 20th. What are the fundamental principles of your religion.
Answer. The fundamental principles of our religion is the testimony of the apostles and prophets concerning Jesus Christ, “that he died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended up into heaven;” and all other things are only appendages to these, which pertain to our religion.
But in connection with these, we believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost, the power of faith, the enjoyment of the spiritual gifts according to the will of God, the restoration of the house of Israel, and the final triumph of truth.
The following are the minutes of the proceedings of a general assembly of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints, assembled at the following places, to transact the business of said Church.
1st. At , Feb. 5, 1838; was chosen Moderator, and Clerk.
The Moderator addressed the throne of grace in prayer, after which he laid before the assembly the object of the meeting, giving a relation of the recent organization of the Church here, and in . He also read a certain revelation given in , Sept. 4, 1837; which made known that and were in transgression, and that if they repented not, they should be removed out of their places.— Also, read a certain clause contained in the appeal, published in the old Star, under the 183rd page, as follows:—“And to sell our lands would amount to a denial of our faith, as that is the place where the Zion of God shall stand according to our faith and belief in the revelations of God.”
Elder then took the stand, and showed to the congregation why the High Council proceeded thus, was, that the Church might have a voice in the matter; and that he considered it perfectly legal, according to the instructions of President Joseph Smith jr.
Elder then set forth the way in which the Presidency of had been labored with, that a committee of three, of whom he was one, had labored with them.— He then read a written document containing a number of accusations against the three presidents. He spake many things against them, setting forth in a plain and energetic manner, the iniquity of and , in using the moneys which were loaned for the Church. Also ’s wrong, in persisting in the use of tea, coffee, and tobacco.
then arose, and endeavored to rectify some mistakes of minor importance made by . Also, the Bishop spake against the proceedings of the meeting, as being hasty and illegal, for he thought they ought to be had before the common council; and said, that he could not lift his hand against the presidency at present; he then read a letter from President Joseph Smith jr.
A letter was then read by from , who made some comments on the same, and also on the letter read by .
Elder , who was one of the committee sent to labor with the Presidency, then spake, setting forth in a very energetic manner, the proceedings of the presidency, as being iniquitous.
also, being one of the committee, spake against the conduct of the presidency and , on their visit to labor with them.
Elder , then spake with much zeal against this presidency, and in favor of brother Joseph Smith jr. and that the wolf alluded to in his letter, were the dissenters in .
Elder next stated that he considered that all other accusations were of minor importance compared to their selling their lands in , that they ( and ) had set an example which all the members were liable to follow; he said that it was a hellish principle, and that they had flatly denied the faith in so doing. Elder then sanctioned what had been done by the council, speaking against the presidency.
again took the stand, and stated that sufficient had been said to substantiate the accusations against them.
Elder plead in favor of the presidency, stating that he could not raise his hand against them.
Elder then spake against the High Council in regard to their proceedings, and labored hard to show that the meeting was illegal, and that the presidency ought to be had before a proper tribunal, which he considered to be a bishop and twelve high priests; he labored in favor of the presidency, and said that he should not raise his hands against them at present, although he did not uphold the presidents in their iniquity.
Elder , next arose and spake against the meeting as being hasty. followed , in like observations and of like nature. again took the stand in vindidcation of the cause of the meeting.
then spake against the presidency, at the same time pleading mercy. said that he could not vote until they had a hearing in the common council.
said that the meeting was according to the direction of br. Joseph, he, therefore, considered it legal.
Elder then took the stand, and with great energy spake in favor of the legality of the meeting, and against the conduct of the presidency of Zion, alledging that the present corruptions of the church here, were owing to the wickedness and mismanagement of her leaders.
The Moderator then called the vote in favor of the present presidency. The negative was then called, and the vote against , , and was unanimous, excepting 8 or 10 and [p. 44]