JS, Journal, 15–26 June 1839; see also Editorial Note preceding journal entry for 15–17 June 1839.
Mulholland copied this letter into JS Letterbook 2 after a letter dated 27 June 1839, making that the earliest likely copying date for this letter from Partridge.
In a letter to JS on 5 March 1839, Partridge noted that Isaac Higbee Sr. and his son John Higbee moved two miles from Quincy to fish for the spring. At the time of Partridge’s 13 June letter, it appears that two of Isaac Sr.’s sons—Isaac Jr. and John—were engaged in the fishing endeavor. (Letter from Edward Partridge, 5 Mar. 1839; Higbee, Journal and Reminiscences, [14]–[15].)
Higbee, John S. Journal and Reminiscences, 1845–1849. John S. Higbee, Reminiscences and Diaries, 1845–1866. CHL. MS 1742, fd. 1.
The committee Partridge mentioned may be the committee assigned to oversee the sale of land in Jackson County, Missouri. (See Minutes, 24 Apr. 1839; and Far West Committee, Minutes, 17 Mar. 1839.)
Far West Committee. Minutes, Jan.–Apr. 1839. CHL. MS 2564.
Markham was appointed as a church agent on 27 May 1839. (See Authorization for Stephen Markham, 27 May 1839.)