Letter, London, England, to “Gentlemen,” 28 June 1843
Source Note
“An observer of the signs of the times,” Letter, , Middlesex and Surrey Cos., England, to “Gentleman,” , Hancock Co., IL, 28 June 1843; unidentified handwriting; dockets in handwriting of , , and unidentified scribe; five pages; JS Office Papers, CHL.
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A stirring address should also be issued forth To The Jewish People and steps taken in again proclaiming the glad tidings to them the most pleasing results would arise from your spirited address to them as well as the one to all Nations
A stirring address to those acquainted with the Foreign languages to effect a translation of all the addresses that is issued could not fail at doing much good and leading many of the members to make themselves useful upon this subject that the address and other matter may be translated in every Known language of the Earth By all the tender feelings your heart is susceptable my highly esteemed Gentleman let their be a mighty effort at this awful crisis in warning all the Nations of the Earth of the position they occupy and in the steps you take may our Heavenly Father for Jesus sake signally bless and prosper the efforts made in heralding forth at this the eleventh hour the everlasting Gospel
Hoping this will find you all in the best of health