Letter, London, England, to “Gentlemen,” 28 June 1843
Source Note
“An observer of the signs of the times,” Letter, , Middlesex and Surrey Cos., England, to “Gentleman,” , Hancock Co., IL, 28 June 1843; unidentified handwriting; dockets in handwriting of , , and unidentified scribe; five pages; JS Office Papers, CHL.
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our cause has long suffered violence from not considering this and concentrating all the Churches of Europe and The signs of the times now call for dextrous efforts with all possible despatch worthy the dignity of the cause and he whose high commission you hold
Shall it be said that we are affraid to make an advance in solemnly warning all Nations by Epistolary as well as printed correspondence
It is the only channel Nations are to be reached and every advantage should be taken of the same for the Eternal welfare of unnumbered millions and say not with your energy and zeal hundreds of Millions cannot be added unto the Church in Spain Portugal and the other States of Europe
That an adequate supply of labourers may be sent forth to each the signs of the times now call for the adoption of comprehensive plans that all may hear the Gospel in their own language high and low rich and poor and be [p. [4]]