[, (Viator, pseud.)], Letter, , Hancock Co., IL, to the Editor of Boston Daily Bee, , Suffolk Co., MA, 8 Apr. 1843, draft; handwriting of ; three pages; “Truthiana No. 4,” Truthiana, 1843, drafts, CHL.
or no Millenium,) brought up a gentleman (?) nothing more than a passenger, I presume,) for disturbing the meeting. he said he had not disturbed the meeting, said he had. I fine you five dollars said the Mayor.— “I have not got $5,00.”— then go <take him> away out of the crowd. Said his <was the Sentnc of his> honor.— While the speaker stopped about 30 seconds, <Mayors court was opened—> the p[r]isoner was arraigned, Testimny The for and agai[n]st presnted; plea <of Pla[in]tiff & defednt [defendant] heard,> heard on both sides, sentence <pronuced [pronounced]> given, <ecxcutd [executed]> Millenium restored, the speaker resumes, and all satisfied, just as though nothing had happened.— This is the <way> Mormons do business, suddenly but not in haste
In the Millenium were all sizes from the p[r]ophet to the infants,— the Sisters on one side, & the brethren on the other (the pophet did not tell us whethr this seperation was to continue through the Great Millenium,) <or thousnd years)> and when their heads were uncovered, it would have appered like a see of wool. if all <th[e]ir> hair had been as white as ’s who took such a drubbing, & then was sent off to to peah [preach] to the sinners around Cumorah, who the hill where the Golden Bible was found.—— When the prophet wants to whip a thousand men, he takes a post and whips that and it answers every purpose of whipping a thousand. “Old white head.,” “,” was the whippingpost on this occasion.—
This <Mormon> millenium (or something else,) has had a wonderful effect upon the weather;— <since the Millenium commenced—> it had not been in operation two days before the ice began to move inthe , and although the is full of ice yet it is in a high state of derangement, <& if this is the effect of the Mormon Jubilee may it continue forever> & there is hope that spring is not far off. . . .