Sworn into office— as Alde[r]man. and took his seat
Cyrus Hills Sworn.— one day last week I beleive it Wedndy [Wednesday] a gentleman. whom I did not know come into the sitting ro[o]m of. the and req[u]ested the Hon Mayor to step aside he wanted to speak with him— The[y] stepped through the door into the entry by the foot of the stairs. and the Gen asked him what he wished.
<as I [illegible] <Witness> Lea[r]ned th[e] Gentlens [gentleman’s] nam[e]> said he wanted some convesatin [conversation] on some business Whi[c]h witness did not undestnd [understand] at that time. The Gen refused to go any further— & said he would have no convesatin in private. what should be said he would have in public.— They had some convesation whi[c]h witness could not repeat— witness then hea[r]d the General tell witness <> if he would choose 3 or 4. <men> he would meet him with the same number. of men. (among whom was his brothr ). and they wou[l]d have a cool and calm investigati[o]n of the subj[ec]t.— and by his making a p[r]oper satisfacti[o]n things should be honorably adjusted. Witnessed Judged from the Manner Which expressed himself that he ag[r]eed to the Mayo[r’]s proposals— and would meet <him> the same day.— Witness hea[r]d no p[r]oposals made by Mayor to for a settlement. heard nothi[n]g about any offers of dollars or money or any other offers except those mentind [mentioned]. before.— nothing said about .— witness was within hearing of the parties all the time convessatin was going on.—
Sworn— <said> some day last week. saw ride up to the & go in. went in & found the Gen the Mayor & talking <as <he> I went in>— Gen Smith was naming the men he would have p[r]esent— among whom. . . . & .— and that might call an equal number of his fri[e]nds— as witn[e]ss [p. [21]]