<> understood <it was> for the purpose of having an intervi[e]w an on some matters in contention. asked the Gen if he had any objecti[o]ns to his s coming down.— the Gen replied he had not. but wanted he should be pres[e]nt.— started and said he would be back shortly. before left the men whom the General had nam[e]d to be presnt at the convesatin had were sent for.— went in as the Mayor & were coming out of the Bar room into the Hall. nothing said by the Mayor to ab[o]ut his coming back. Mayor made no offers to abut a settlem[en]t.
Mayor said the fi[r]st thing that occurrd when he stepped into the Hall with . he saw something shin[in]g below his vest.— Mayor put his finger on it. and said what is that. repli[e]d it is my pistol and immediately took out the pistol and showed it fairly & openly.— & wanted Mayor to go with him alone. Mayor said he would not go alone.— never saw the pistol before. had a hook on the side to hang on his suspnders. waistband
. sworn— read his state[me]nts. Marked A. No 1. on File.—
whowassworn—atthelastcouncil— <on satu[r]day—> said.— Stated that he he came to .— before the Laws and brought much <considerable> p[r]operty. it was just before after the chu[r]ch was driven from & arriv[e]d in this place. The families. having been robb[e]d of all in were in a sta[r]ving condition. [p. [22]]