Minutes, 13 January 1844–B, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 13 Jan. 1844, partially approved by JS, 25 Jan. 1844; in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 13 Jan. 1844, pp. 70–75; handwriting of ; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 13 January 1844–B
Page 71
by the and afterwards taken up by seperate items and acted upon, also <such parts of> the Revised Law was read as had been amended by the Committee. as follows, to wit:
“That the Committee had met on the 16th, 21st and 28th days of December and that Generals, , , , Colonels. [Jonathan] Dunham, and had set each three days on the Committee and one day and three days as Secretary.
They then presented the following amendments to the Revised Laws, to wit:
Sec. 2 Repeal so much of this Section as Relates to the office of Inspector General.
Sec 6 Add “one Ensign” after the words three Lieutenants.
Sec 19 Repeal so much of this section as relates to dueling.
Sec 7 Repealed and the following one adopted viz.
That each Cohort or Brigade, Regiment, Battalion and Company, of the same grade when in the field, shall take rank from right to left in the following order, first, fifth, fourth, seventh, third, eighth, sixth, second. according to the rank of the Captains
Sec 26 This section was amended as follows. to wit:
That each Court of assessment shall meet at 10 o’clock A.M. and continue in session from time to time, by adjournment, untill all the business shall be finished at such places as the presidents respectively may appoint on the Regimental and Legion parades, and it shall be the duty of all delinquents so returned to appear without further notice at said Court; to make a lawful excuse if any they have; and should any person feel themselves aggrieved by the decision of said Court they may appeal to the president of the board who shall have power to remit the fine.
That it shall not be lawful for any officer to remit fines unless upon the testimony of the person applying upon oath, or other satisfactory evidence, it shall appear that he was out of the on the day [p. 71]