Minutes, 13 January 1844–B, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 13 Jan. 1844, partially approved by JS, 25 Jan. 1844; in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 13 Jan. 1844, pp. 70–75; handwriting of ; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 13 January 1844–B
Page 72
on which he was required to do duty, or in case of sickness with himself or family; or that he was detained by the requirements of the Civil law, or that he was not subject to do duty in the Company, staff or corps, in which he was returned as a delinquent; or that he did duty in the Company to which he belongs according to law. And it shall be the duty of all officers authorized to remit fines as aforesaid, to cause the secretary of the board of assessment to keep a record of the same in a book kept for that purpose, in which shall be recorded the testimony given by or in behalf of the person so applying, and any officer who shall wilfully remit any fine except as above provided, shall be cashiered by the decision of a Court martial detailed by the officer having proper jurisdiction.
Sec 27 the words, “or that the collection had been suspended” were amended as follows, to wit: “or that the fine or fines had been remitted” also the latter part of this section section was repealed as follows, “and if any one authorized to collect fines” &c to <the> end of the section
Sec 28 This Section was amended <to read> as follows, to wit.
That the following forfeitures and penalties shall be incured for delinquents, on Cohort and Legion parades days, to wit: the Lieutenant and Major General twenty dollars, brevet Major Generals and Brigadier Generals fifteen dollars, Brevet Brigadier Generals and Colonels or any officer holding the rank thereof ten dollars, Lieutenant Colonels and Majors or any officer holding the rank thereof eight dollars, Captains or any officer holding the rank thereof five dollars, Lieutenants and Ensigns or any officer holding the rank thereof three dollars, non commissioned officers, musicians and privates two dollars and for delinquencies at officer drills or any Regimental Battalion, or Company parade or for neglect of any orders of a [p. 72]