Minutes, 13 January 1844–B, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 13 Jan. 1844, partially approved by JS, 25 Jan. 1844; in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 13 Jan. 1844, pp. 70–75; handwriting of ; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 13 January 1844–B
Page 73
superior officer, they shall be fined in proportion to rank as recited in the foregoing part of this section, in one half the sums aforesaid
Sec 36 This Section was repealed
Sec 54 This section was repealed
Which amendments were accepted by the Court Martial.
The Committee then presented the following, which were accepted.
That any non-commissioned officer musician or private who shall disobey orders, or be guilty of any kind of insubordination on parade shall be returned in the list of delinquents and fined not exceeding five dollars by the proper court of assessments.
That any commissioned, non commissioned, officer or private who shall appear on parade with loaded fire arms, or loading the same on the field, without orders from their respective commanding officers shall be returned as above and fined in any sum not exceeding twenty dollars at the descretion of the proper court of assessment.
That any commissioned, or non-commissioned officer or private who shall appear on parade without his proper arms and accoutrements shall be fined in the sum of fifty cents. Provided that no one shall be compeled to appear on parade with arms unless he actually has them, and that the oath of affirmation of the person shall be evidence on the case, and from and after the first day of September next if any commissioned, noncommissioned officer or private shall appear on parade without some instrument of war and necessary accoutrements he shall be fined in the sum of one dollar by the proper court of assessment.
The following Resolution was then presented which was not accepted by the Court Martial
Resolved that Col of the 1st Regimnt 1st Cohort be and he is hereby appointed to the office of Brevet Brigadier General in the 1st Cohort, Nauvoo Legion.
The following was then presented and laid on the table. [p. 73]