Minutes, 13 January 1844–B, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
Source Note
Nauvoo Legion, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 13 Jan. 1844, partially approved by JS, 25 Jan. 1844; in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, 13 Jan. 1844, pp. 70–75; handwriting of ; Nauvoo Legion Records, CHL.
Asterisk (*) denotes a "featured" version, which includes an introduction and annotation.
*Minutes, 13 January 1844–B
Page 75
Resolved that Generals , , , Colonels Markam, Stout , , and Lieut Col to be the committee of seven as above provided
Resolved That be appointed to regulate and arrange the laws of Legion for the press and that he make report thereof to the Committee previous to its being printed.
Resolved That be appointed to get the laws printed by subscription and that the books be sold at the lowest price, and that the surplus of money after paying the expences of printing &c be paid into the Treasurey of the Legion and that he make report of the same to the committee.
Resolved that an extract of the militia law
Resolved That an extract of the militia law as printed on Pages 83 and 84 in the State law and the Rules and Articles of war be published with the Revized law of the Legion.
Resolved That all unfinished buisness as relates to printing and the music &c be refered to the Committee.
Adjourned Sine Die.
. President of the Court Martial.
The amendment to the 19th Section in regard to dueling and the Resolution in relation to those holding brevet commissions by any other means than through the Court Martial, were rejected by the Lieutenant General the rest was approved as follows; to wit.
“Approved with the exception of correcting the laws when compiled in due form.
January 25th 1844.
Joseph Smith Lieutenant General Nauvoo Legion [p. 75]