and that the Captains be required to take joint security from each member of his Company who may draw arms, that the Brigadier Generals shall assist the in the distribution, and that measures be taken immediately, by the Commanders of Companies to have the arms brought in as aforesaid within thirty days from this date.
Resolved That there be a Committee of revision appointed to consist of five members, to revise the laws of the Legion, and that the committee be composed of Col , Major , Captain , Brigadier General , and Major General and that said Committee have power to fill any vacancy which may be occasioned by the nonattendance of any of its members.
Resolved That Scott’s tacticks be adopted in the place of McCombs as heretofore
Resolved That the expences which has accrued for powder, the use of horses &c for the cannon be paid out of the first monies collected.
The fines against , Homer Jackson, and Joseph Hutton was remitted
Resolved That a Committee of three be appointed to investigate the claims of War Secretary for services rendered the Legion and that the investigation be under the supervision of , Adjutant General of the Legion and that the committee be composed of Col , General , and Major .
Resolved That the warrant be withdrawn from James M. Flack, and given to , also [p. 33]