Moved & seconded that there be a Committee of Revision to Consist of five to Revise the Laws of the .— the Committee to be Composed of .— .— Major , .— Genl. .— & that they can fill any vacancy in the nonattendance of any of the Committee.—
Scotts Tacticks adopted in the place of Maccombs.—
When fines Collected, the expences of Powder & Horses &c to Convey the Cannon, are to be defrayed.
The fine of $7,50 agst. [against] <Col.> upon 24th. Septr. <8th Octr.> 1842, as in the Warrant handed to Constable, is hereby Remitted, & to receive an acquittance agst. pay[men]t. of the fine which is in s[ai]d. Warrant.—
s fine Remitted.— Joseph Huttons fine Remitted.
A Select Committee of three, on the Claim of .
<Under> the Adjt. Genls. Supervision; of the Adjt. Genls— to wit:—
— Genl . & .—
The Warrant to be taken from , & Renewed, & given to , also all the Warrants for fines <since issued, or to be issued> in the Nauvoo Legion, for finesiss granted in time past, or up to this date to be issued and given to him.—
Adjourned until the 10th of June [7 lines blank] [p. [2]]