1st. Resolved that be and is hereby authorized to organize, the second Bat of the 1st Regt 2nd Cohort into a Regt of Light infantry, to be called “The Escort Regt of Light infantry” to take place in 2nd Cohort according to assignment; on parade days and do such other duties of escort &c as may be necessary. and that he organize the 1st Bat 1st Regtinto 2nd Cohort into a Regt of Artilery.
2nd Resolved that any Constable or collector of fines be and is hereby authorized, at his discretion, if he can not obtain money, to take property in payment of fines at a fair valuation and make returns thereof to the proper officer as in other cases
3" Resolved that an arsenal be built on on in the City of on to be located in any part of the where the Major & Lieutenant Generals may <direct> who are also authorized to make or cause to to be made a draft of the same stating the size &c <*> <*who are als[o] authorized to purchase any piece of ground for the afforesaid purposes which they may deem proper > and that Col be and is hereby appointed agent for the to superintend the buisness thereof and that he be allowed allowed one dollar and forty cents pr day for his services while employed in that buisness <to be paid out of any money in the the treasurery not otherwsiss [otherwise] appropriated> and also that he be armorer and keeper of said arsnall [arsenal] when completed and that he be allowed such remuneration for said service as may hereafter be fixed by law also that he be required to give bonds to the amount of <five> thousand dollars with approved securities before entering upon the duties of said office [p. [4]]