It was moved and seconded, that the assessments neglected to be made, as also those made and not brought to a court of appeals, or returned to this Court, be received at the next General Court Martial, and that the Judges, who sat in the last Courts of appeals, shall be at liberty to make returns of both delinquencies at the next General Court Martial. The subject matter of the motion was discussed, and the following resolution passed.
Resolved That the officers who have not held Courts of Assessment of fines, and Appeals, within their respective Regiments, since the 7th of May (1842) be, and they hereby are directed to hold, Said Courts at the next regular days after the July Parades, for both Parades.
brought froward a Bill containing several sections, which was read and on motion of it was,
Resolved That the Bill be brought forward by separate sections, The Court then went into a Committee of the whole and General took the Chair Each Section was then read discussed and adopted, the 4th section was amended
The Committee rose and reported, Read a second time by the title. Rules dispensed with, and read a Third time and passed unanimously.
Title Ordinance No 2.
Sec 1 Be it ordained by the Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion in General court assembled That these shall be added to the staff of the Major General; two Assistant Adjutant Generals, with the rank of Colonel; and to the staff of each Brigadier General an Adjutant, a Sergeant Major, [p. 17]