Proceedings at a Gen[era]l. Court Martial of the held in the Lodge Room in the City of June 3rd. 1842.
The Seats were taken according to Rank.
Rank Roll was then Called.
stated that the Ct. in the Case of v are required to attend on Saturday Week at 3 oC. at s office, to try further Charges preferred.—
The returns of delinquents, from the Courts of Appeal were then produced, so far as returns were made.—
It was moved & seconded, that the assessments <neglected to be made, as also those> made, & not brought to a Court of Appeals, or returned to this C[our]t, be received at the next Genl. Ct.Marshal <Martial>, & that the Judges who sat in the last Ct. of Appeals shall be at liberty to make return of both delinquencies at the next Genl. Ct.Marshal <Martial>. The Subject Matter of The Motion was discussed, & the following Order made.—
Resolved by the General Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion, that the officers who have not held Courts of Assessment of Fines, and Appeals, within their respective Regiments, since the 7th. of May, be <& they hereby are> directed to hold said Courts at the next regular days after the July Parade, for both Parades.
June 3rd. 1842.
, President.
, War Sec[retar]y..—
The Court produced a Bill cont[ainin]g. several Sections, which was read by the ,— It was moved by , & seconded, <& carried,> that the Bill be brought forward by seperate Sections, the Court Marshal <then> went into a Committee of the whole, & Gen. took the Chair,— The 1st. Sec[tion] was read, and discussed, & upon Motion, Adopted.— The 2nd. Sec was read, & discussed, & upon Motion Adopted.— The 3rd. Sec was read, discussed, & upon Motion Adopted.— The 4th. Sec was read, discussed, amended, & upon Motion Adopted.— The 5th. Sec was read, discussed, & upon Motion Adopted.— The 6th. Sec was read, discussed, & upon Motion Adopted— The 7th. Sec was read, discussed, & upon Motion Adopted.— The 8th. Sec was read, discussed, & upon Motion Adopted.— The 9th. Sec was read discussed, & upon Motion Adopted.— Committee rose & Reported. [p. [1]]