read a 2nd. time by Title.— rules dispensed with, & read a 3rd. time, & passed Unanimously.— Title, <Ordinance No 2.>
A Pet[itio]n. was presented <& read> asking that the Ct. Martial w[oul]d Order a 5th Reg[imen]t. in the 2nd. Cohort to be formed, & that you wd draw s & Companies from the 3rd. regt., & place them in the 1st. Battalion of the 5th. Regt., & & Compys to form the 2nd Battln..
Petn. read, & A Motion was then made, Seconded, & Carried, that the Petn. be laid on the Table.
Adjourned for one Hour, at one oC.—
Came to order after Dinner.—
Resolved that the 3rd. Company of the 2nd. Regt. <1st. Cohort,> Commanded by , be, & hereby is attached to the 2nd. Battn., 1st. regt., 1st. Cohort.—
.— Breveted, by an Unanimous Vote.—
The spoke, respecting the <distribution of the> Arms which he drew for the , which was discussed, & the Matter, upon vote was ordered to stand over to the next general Parade.
to produce Bonds at that time.—
<This is included in the Order passed this day.—>
It was unanimously voted that two <Ass[istan]t. Adj[utan]t Genls with the rank of Co[lone]l.,> be appointed to the Staff of <the> , one to be on his right, & one on his left to Convey orders &c.<, & to the Staff of each B[rigadie]r Genl, an Adjt, a Serg[ean]t. Major, & a qr. Master Segt, with the rank of L[ieutenan]t. Col.>
Resolved that the thanks of this Genl. Ct. Martial be tendered to Major General for the able discharge of his Duty since the formation of this Legion.
Whereupon the made an appropriate reply.
It was then Carried by vote, that the Heads of departments in the Legion, be Brevetted.—
, Brevetted to the Rank of Colonel.—
Adjourned to the first Law day after the next Genl. Parade.— [p. [2]]