and a Quarter Master-Sergeant, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonels.
Sec. 2. Each Company shall consist of not less than thirty-two, nor more than Sixty four, privates; Provided, That Companies consisting of less than thirty-two privates may be attached to other companies— and companies consisting of more than sixty-four privates may have the surplus members attached to other companies— at the discretion of the general officers of the line.
Sec.. 3. There may be two musicians attached to each Company, in addition to the officers, non-commissioned officers; and privates, thereof:
Sec. 4. The Companies situated out of the Nauvoo Precinct shall not be compelled to attend the General parades in the City of , excepting the July parades; Provided that they hold an equual number of parades in their respective precincts; neither shall the officers, (and non-commissioned officers,) out of the Nauvoo Precinct be compelled to attend Courts Martial, or officer drills in the City of , excepting the July drill in each year.
Sec 5 The Companies situate out of the Nauvoo Precinct may hold their Courts of assessment of fines, and appeals, within the bounds of their respective Companies, on the days fixed upon by ordinance No 1.— and the said courts shall, in the case, [p. 18]