Regiment in the Second Cohort to be formed, and that Capts Worthington’s and Capt Huntingtons Companies from the Third Regiment should constitute the First Battalion and that Capt Allred’s & Capt Hamilton’s Companies constitute the Second Battalion of said Regiment, which was read on motion the petition was laid on the Table.
Adjourned for one hour.
Convened according to adjournment.
Resolved That the Third Company Second Regiment. First Cohort, commanded by Capt Follett, be and hereby is attached to the Second Battalion First Regiment First Cohort.
Resolved That Brigadier General be and is hereby appointed Brevet Major General.
The then spoke respecting the distribution of the arms which he drew for the Legion, which, after the subject had been discussed was, upon vote, ordered to be laid over to the next General Parade. and Quarter Master General of the Legion was ordered to give bonds to the Legion at that time.
Resolved That the thanks of this General Court Martial be tendered to Major General , for the able discharge of his duty since the formation of this Legion
Resolved That the Heads of Departments be Brevetted to the rank of Brigadier General to wit <to> Adjutant General the Surgeon [p. 20]