Committee Met according to adjournment at the same place Present. , , and .
adjourned till the 7th inst
July 7th 1843
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place Present , and . adjourned till tomorrow at 8 o’clock A.M.
July 8th 1843.
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place Present and at 11 oclock A M. adjourned to the General Martial
Which report was accepted by the Court Martial.
The following bill was then presented and read by and passed unanimously to wit;
Revized Laws of the .
Sec. 1 Be it ordained by the Court Martial of the Nauvoo Legion, in General Court Assembled; That all free white male inhabitants, residents in the City of , who are or shall be of the age of eighteen and under the age of forty-five years, except as may be hereinafter excepted, shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, of the Nauvoo Legion, by the captain or commanding officer of the company within whose bounds such citizen shall reside, within twenty days after he shall be shall be informed of such residence; and also, those who may, from time to time, arrive at the age of eighteen, who shall reside in the bounds of his company; and shall without delay notify such person by an officer or non-commissioned officer of the company: Provided that it shall be the privilege of any such [p. 39]