laws regulating the same; appointed to arrange and write out the same as far as had been acted upon by the committee. Adjourned till Saturday next at 8 o’clock A. M. at the same place.
Saturday June 10th 1843
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place. Present reporded that he had done 2 days writing which was accepted. at 9 o’clock adjourned to the Genl Court Martial and also to meet on the 15th at 9 o’clock A. M.
Thursday June 15th 1843
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place. Present , , pro tem. , and
At 6 o’clock P. M. adjourned till Saturday the 17th inst at 8 o’clock A.M.
Saturday June the 17th 1843.
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place. Present , , , , and at 12 o’clock AM. adjourned till Friday the 22 inst
Friday June 22nd 1843.
Committee met according to adjournment at the same place. Present , and .
reported that he had done three one days writing which was accepted.
Adjourned till Wednesday the 3rd day of July next
July. 3rd met and adjourned till Saturday the 6th of July. [p. 38]